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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hand Embossed Calender

Assignment: To make a unique calender using any method you desire.
Brainstorming: Wrote down many different ideas, doodled and then felt that this was the strongest of idea. Now to decide on what mediums to do.
Conception of design: I liked using water color paper and embossing designs. My idea was to show the phases of birds and the tree throughout the different months. February; the mother making the nest, March; the eggs and flowers blooming, April the birds hatching, May was the baby birds feeding and growing and so on to the empty nest in December.
Design Phase: First I did all the embossing using watercolor paper and different objects to get the desired shapes letting each one dry before applying the next layer. After creating all the separate months I photographed them, scanned into PhotoShop, manipulated photos and added day and year. Using natural twine I attached them together. Most of all I had a lot of fun just being creative. Embossing is expensive on a large scale but can sell an idea.
*Saving your old designs could be beneficial to utilize these techniques for new jobs for future designs. I call this my "Inspiration Box and it contains old drawings, layouts and ideas that did not work at the time.

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Happily married for 34 years and a grandmother of 3 beautiful grandchildren. I love family, friends, art, dogs, gardening, poker, pool, the outdoors and the simple things in life. Unemployed for 2 years I am trying to survive and keep what I have by making a living on-line. I am not trying to get rich but I do want to make a honest living as an Affiliate. I believe in God, country, and helping people which I have done all my life. All I ask is that you help increase my odds of making my American Dream come true. I will never lie to you or try to scam you just to make a sale. I make every effort to buy a product from a fellow American. I hope that you will learn something about the art of playing poker and other games of chance. Most of all I hope you have a great time learning from my posts. Never spend money you cannot afford to lose. The odds of becoming a successful on-line entrepreneur is 1 in 1,000,000,000. The gamble of writing posts is that I will not lose even if I never make a dime. I love teaching and writing so the enjoyment I get from giving information to others is a win-win situation. God Bless America!